Von Duprin KR54: Keyed Removable Mullion Retrofit Kit for 1654 and 4954 Series Steel Mullions - This Von Duprin KR54 keyed removable mullion retrofit kit is 


Products 1 - 20 of 11957 VON DUPRIN KR 1654 7' 6" SP28 W/1606 mullion. $97.99. SCHLAGE VANDLEGARD ENTRANCE LOCK ND92R6D RHO 626 13-247 

Von Duprin Keyed Removable Kit for 1654 & 4954 Mullions. $339.90 34 Resolution: The part number for a Von Duprin 4954 mullion bottom fitting is #050390. How is a bitting list obtained? Resolution: A purchase order must by entered through Order Entry.Part number 50-123 for Schlage and 50-123F for Falcon.

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Top Mullion Fitting Shim 5/32” Hex Key Top mullion fitting 5/16-18 x 1-1/4” Button Socket Head Cap Screw 8-32 x 1/4” Undercut Flatassembl Head Socket Security Machine Screw W A R NI N G R e mo ve k y, rei n sta l , an d pu l m u io n to ch e c kf rl ck e d iti on. Locking mullion y Cylinder Locking Washer Included with KR54 (KR Kit) 1654 Mullion isprepared for two 1606 strikes. We have qualified A.H.C. sales associates to assist you with your project. We are known not only for what we provide, but how we provide it. 2" wide, 3" deep, 1/8" wall thickness Von Duprin KR1654-72-28.

These mullions differ in size and templating to the Yale® M100(F) and KRM100(F) series.

Top Mullion Fitting Shim 5/32” Hex Key Top mullion fitting 5/16-18 x 1-1/4” Button Socket Head Cap Screw 8-32 x 1/4” Undercut Flatassembl Head Socket Security Machine Screw W A R NI N G R e mo ve k y, rei n sta l , an d pu l m u io n to ch e c kf rl ck e d iti on. Locking mullion y Cylinder Locking Washer Included with KR54 (KR Kit)

Resolution: The part number for a Von Duprin 4954 mullion bottom fitting is #050390. How is a bitting list obtained? Resolution: A purchase order must by entered through Order Entry.Part number 50-123 for Schlage and 50-123F for Falcon. Von Duprin KR4854 8FT 6IN SP28 RHR Steel Mullion, Prepped For One 299 Strike and One 6111 Electric Strike, 8 Ft. 6 In., Keyed Removable, Aluminum Painted Von Duprin $1,160.50 811 Mullion Installation Instructions 05315-11: 822, KR822*, HC822, HCKR822*, FL822, FLKR822*, FLHC822, FLHCKR822* Mullion Installation Instructions A85395_A : Removable Mullion WAll Mount Installation Instructions Selling Von Duprin 1654-4954 Mullion Brackets to schools and institutions for the past 45 years.

2018-02-26 · The term mullion may be something you’ve heard of and you may have a pretty good idea of what it is. Or you may have never heard of it and have no clue about what it could be. Either way, this article is meant to teach you what a mullion is and where it is

Kiirr-ijong l'> the Mulli Bethel, pp.

KRM mullions do not include cylinders/collars, they must be ordered Von Duprin 1654 Steel Mullion, Prepped for two 1606 Strikes. $368.40 40% Off $614.00. Add to cart.
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Kr 1654 mullion

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Currently, Von Duprin manufactures the widest range of exit devices and outside trim operations, all designed to meet the needs of architects and building owners.
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The Von Duprin Panic Device Keyed Mullion Retrofit Kit KR54 is used to convert the 1654 and 4954. Keyed Removable Steel Mullions makes removal faster and easier by a single operation of the mortise cylinder. Once mullion is removed, large equipment or furniture can freely pass through the opening.

25 >' 0. 25 II. 0 Kr,imbach-Tuncuri"y Road past Public School, to Khoribakb Creek. Kiirr-ijong l'> the Mulli Bethel, pp.

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Strike x Mullion Applications: Steel Mullions:299/299-F x 4954, 299/299-F, 268 x 9954,1606 x 1654 Aluminum Mullions:299/299-F x 5654 (KR) option available for steel mullions Strike x Mullion Applications: Steel Mullions:299/299-F x 4954, 299/299-F,499-F x 9954,1606 x 1654 Aluminum Mullions:299/299-F x 5654,1408 x 5754 (KR) option available
