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How do I offer my customers the Trusted Shops guarantee in my shop? Do I have to integrate the money-back guarantee into my shop? Display all questions about the money-back guarantee. 2013-11-06 This symbol of trust, which has now become well-known throughout the industry, would be connected with a guarantee offered by Trusted Shops for every purchase made with a certified online shop.
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Die Experten von Trusted Shops tun alles dafür, dass jeder Einkauf in jedem Shop mit dem Trusted Shops Gütesiegel sicher ist und ein angenehmes Shopping-Erlebnis bietet. Wenn es dennoch mal zu Problemen oder Unstimmigkeiten kommt, können Sie sich mit dem Trusted Shops Käuferschutz immer darauf verlassen, dass Ihr Geld sicher ist.
Zó gemakkelijk is het om altijd met een veilig gevoel aankopen te doen met de Trusted Shops kopersbescherming: Direct bij bestelling automatisch afgesloten. Als je nog geen geregistreerde gebruiker van Trusted Shops bent, kun je zelf op de bedankpagina van de shop beslissen of je je aankopen gratis wilt verzekeren tot een bedrag van € 2.500. Trusted Shops. 42,541 The guarantee ensures that all products purchased from a certified shop are insured and customers will get their money back if their In ogni negozio contrassegnato dal sigillo di qualità Trusted Shops puoi fare acquisti in tutta sicurezza e tranquillità - grazie anche alla nostra garanzia di rimborso. Questo servizio diventa oggi ancora più facile da usare: dopo aver effettuato un ordine potrai infatti registrarti alla garanzia di rimborso automatica di Trusted Shops.
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Money-back guarantee All questions regarding your guarantees Trustmark All questions regarding certified shops Reviews All questions regarding the Trusted Shops customer reviews This symbol of trust, which has now become well-known throughout the industry, would be connected with a guarantee offered by Trusted Shops for every purchase made with a certified online shop. This package for all-round satisfaction has been at the heart of Trusted Shops’ activities from the very beginning. Trusted Shops is a company founded in Cologne, Germany in 1999, which offers online shops and their customers trust-building services by means of a trustmark, a money-back guarantee process and a system of customer reviews. Online retailers are also provided with assistance in meeting legal requirements. What does the Trusted Shops customer review system offer me?
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A. What is the Trusted Shops Guarantee? The Trusted Shops Guarantee ("Guarantee") covers your purchase or order in any online shop certified by Trusted Shops GmbH and which bears the Trusted Shops quality seal of approval ("Online Shop"). If you have signed up to the Trusted Shops Guarantee after purchasing or ordering from an Online Shop, conclusion of
As an online retailer, what do I gain from the Trusted Shops guarantee? How do I offer my customers the Trusted Shops guarantee in my shop? Do I have to integrate the money-back guarantee into my shop? Display all questions about the money-back guarantee.
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Registrars may develop label, authentication and trustmark schemes in order to and a logo for a European trustmark in order to guarantee greater certainty in the reflections on trustmarks for online shops announced in the digital agenda.
When do my reviews appear on Google? Display all questions about customer reviews. Money-back guarantee. As an online retailer, what do I gain from the Trusted Shops guarantee? How do I offer my customers the Trusted Shops guarantee in my shop? Die Experten von Trusted Shops tun alles dafür, dass jeder Einkauf in jedem Shop mit dem Trusted Shops Gütesiegel sicher ist und ein angenehmes Shopping-Erlebnis bietet.