Christian Guttmann is a German-Australian entrepreneur in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Science. He is currently the vice president, globa…


E26 Christian Guttmann, VP and Chief AI Scientist at Tieto Welcome to episode 26 of the AI Ireland podcast, the show that breaks down the hype and explores the impact that Data Science, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence are making on our everyday lives.

A Framework to Manage Contractual Relationships in Customer Life Cycle Management Systems. In Workshop in Service-Oriented Computing: Agents, Semantics and Engineering (SOCASE) workshop collocated with International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS). Biovetenskaper och näringslära Bedriver forskning och utbildning inom molekylär endokrinologi, epigenetik, strukturbiokemi, cellulär virologi och nutrition med mera. 26 Sep 2018 Join me as I talk to one of the true leaders in the world of Artificial Intelligence, Dr. Christian Guttmann, Global Head of AI at Tieto and Executive  Christian Guttmann, Global Head of AI at Tieto and Executive Director at the Nordic Artificial Intelligence Institute, as we talk about the challenges C-Suite  5 Feb 2020 Christian Guttmann is Global VP of Artificial Intelligence at Tieto, an IT software and service company providing IT and product engineering  Christian Guttmann, Top AI Leader, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Machine Mobile World Congress, Spain - February 27; Tieto Pune, Mumbai and Pune, India,  What factors allow win to win over time? Page 16. © Tieto Corporation - Christian. – Twitter: @chrisxtg.

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Page 16. © Tieto Corporation - Christian. – Twitter: @chrisxtg. 2 Nov 2019 Christian Guttmann is the Vice President, Global Head of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science at Tieto. At Tieto, he is responsible for strategy  6 Feb 2020 Christian Guttmann is Global VP of Artificial Intelligence at Tieto, an IT software and service company providing IT and product engineering  14 May 2019 We welcome you to Tieto Talks where we continue the discussion on this broad and exciting topic.

Christian Guttmann har över 20 års erfarenhet från att jobba inom fältet AI. Han är professor och entreprenör med bakgrund från världsledande startups, företag  Christian Guttmann Global Head of Artificial Intelligence and Data • Vice President At Tieto, I am responsible to scale AI business and capabilities across the Christian Guttmann is a German-Australian entrepreneur in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Science. He is currently the vice president, global head of Artificial Intelligence and Chief Artificial Intelligence and Data officer at TietoEVRY (a top 100 leading IT company according to Thomson Reuters with 24000 employees).

Christian Guttmann har fullt upp. Förutom att vara global AI-chef på Tieto hinner han bland annat med att vara professor i Australien, forskare på Karolinska institutet och chef för det nordiska AI-institutet. I dagarna har han synts på den stora AI-konferensen i Älvsjö, som avslutades i går, torsdag.

4 Tieto Sweden AB, Stockholm  Professor Christian Guttmann has dedicated 25 years revolution? Katarina Cornelius - Christian Guttmann - Leo Kärkkäinen - Teemu Salmi Tieto, Professor. AI in Action E26: Christian Guttmann, VP and Chief AI Scientist at Tieto - Irish Tech News · More ideas for you. 09:50, AI for Social & Economic Prosperity Dr. Christian Guttmann, Top 100 Global AI Leader, Nordic AI Institute, Swedish AI Society, VP TietoEvry.

5. jun 2019 Christian Guttmann, AI-forsker og avdelingsleder for AI og datavitenskap hos Tieto, tror nordmenn overser verdien av ny teknologi. – AI hjelper 

He advances AI technology, science and business to new heights for social and economic prosperity in teams of bright and passionate minds. Christian Guttmann pohtii tekoälyä Tieto oyj:n johtajana, Karoliinisen instituutin tutkijana ja New South Walesin yliopiston apulaisprofessorina.

– AI hjelper  Christian Guttmann.
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Chrisitan is the Vice-President, Global Head of Artificial Intelligence and Chief AI Scientist at Tieto in Stockholm. Tieto aims to capture the significant opportunities of the data-driven world and turn them into lifelong value for people, business and society.
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The AI expert Christian Guttmann has been in the field for the past 25 years, and has witnessed the incredible evolution first-hand. Now, he is an influential character in the Nordic – and global – AI community, and in his role at Tieto he’s guiding business leaders towards a prosperous and ethically viable future together with AI.

Page 16. © Tieto Corporation - Christian. – Twitter: @chrisxtg. 2 Nov 2019 Christian Guttmann is the Vice President, Global Head of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science at Tieto.

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2 Nov 2019 Christian Guttmann is the Vice President, Global Head of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science at Tieto. At Tieto, he is responsible for strategy 

The presentation will be in English. To sign up, simply fill in the registration form here. Agenda My guest on the podcast is Christian Guttmann, Global Head of Artificial Intelligence, and Chief AI Scientist at Tieto. He’s responsible for product strategy and execution of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in order to create high-impact AI systems, product innovation, patents and scientific publications. Christian Guttmann VP AI @ Tieto, Exec Chair @ NAII How Multi-Agent Systems and AI is a driving transformation force in Health Care Artificial Intelligence offers substantial benefits to how we deliver health care and medicine.